To the Berkeley County selection team,
Thank you so much for considering UMS CIS/UB software and Elements Work Asset Management Solutions. Based upon what we know to date about Berkely County, CUSI feels that both UMS and Elements will be a perfect fit for your business model. Not only will Berkeley County increase efficiency, decrease the cost of operations, but it will improve your customer service also. I wanted to follow-up with you on some additional information that you may find helpful in making your business decision.
CUSI understands that this is a major investment and realizes the need for risk mitigation. We recommend several steps prior to contracting to assist Berkeley County in the due diligence process, several which we have completed. Navigating this process can sometimes be difficult so we have created this site as a roadmap showing where we have been and where will be heading. It provides all the documentation that Berkeley County has been provided through the process to date as well as recommended next steps.
Software Information